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The Student News Site of Fresno Christian High School

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Food teaches Spanish

Taking a foreign language class includes more than just memorizing words and learning grammar rules. Experiencing the culture first-hand serves as an imperative lesson and the local Spanish restaurant ?La Paella? seems to be the perfect place for it.

The Spanish II and III classes ate lunch at La Paella during lunch and 7th period on March 15. The meal and bus ride totaled $20, a seemingly small cost for an authentic Spanish experience.

?We like taking students there because it gives them a chance to connect the culture with the language,? Melody Downie, Spanish teacher, said. ?It becomes more than just grammar and book readings, it becomes an experience.?

Paella is a Spanish meal originally created by hunters. The three main ingredients are rice, olive oil and a spice called saffron; any meat can be added. The students chose between chicken and chorizo.

?The paella had an interesting taste,? Spencer Lee, ?10, said. ?I liked it because it tastes different than the Mexican food I?m used to eating.?

La Paella is located on the corner of Champlain and Perrin in the Save Mart shopping center. The interior is decorated with a Spanish flair to contribute to the authentic ambiance.

Contrary to popular belief, La Paella serves traditional Spanish dishes and is not considered a Mexican restaurant. One example is the salsa. In Spain, ?salsa? simply means sauce, which is made from butter, garlic and other spices. Mexican salsa, however, consists of mainly tomatoes, cilantro, onions and jalape

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